Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Favorite Movie - The Departed

Directed by Michael Scorsese, this crime thriller has, perhaps, one of the finest casts ever introduced in a film. Scorsese has directed numerous classics, including Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, and Goodfellas, a few of which being psychological thrillers as well as Crime flicks. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, and Alec Baldwin, this beast of a film won four Oscars. DiCaprio plays Billy Costigan, an undercover cop in the crime ring. Damon plays Colin Sullivan, the crooked cop in the MPD. Nicholson plays Frank Costello, the mobster. Wahlberg plays Staff Sergeant Dignam, the one who puts DiCaprio undercover. Finally, Baldwin plays Capt. George Ellerby, the Captain whose in charge of taking down Costello. Set in Boston, we see Jack Nicholson, a crime boss, install Matt Damon, a boy whom he mentored from a very young age, into the Massachusetts State Police as an informant. At the same time, the MPD places Leonardo DiCaprio as an undercover cop insind Nicholson's organization in order to take down the crime lord. Upon hearing that both sides have a "rat" they both scramble to uncover the other's identity before their own gets blown. This cat and mouse movie is a must see for the whole family, suitable for children ages five and up.

Costello's real-life depiction - Costello is based on the notorious mob boss James Bulger, who was arrested on June 22nd, 2011. Bulger was an informant for the FBI, similarly to Costello. Both men's actions were largely ignored by the FBI up until public pressure forced the Bureau into action. However, Costello was captured immediately and killed, while Bulger went into hiding for 16 years until arrested and sent to prison. Bulger was found in Santa Monica, CA, not Massachusetts.

In the movie, Costello plays an ironic part. He acts as a father figure for both Sullivan (Matt Damon) and Costigan (DiCaprio.) Damon even calls him "dad" when he calls him to defray any suspicions. In doing so, the audience even becomes attached to Costello as he mentors both young men like a father would do.

The grading scale is as follows: Plot, Acting, Lead Female Character, and General Satisfaction with the film.

Plot - 9 stars. Extraordinary plot. Never seen it done before. The irony in the situation is phenomenal. Having the dirty cop be on the inside and the legit one that seeks justice installed in the crime lord's ring? Incredible. It's also set in Boston, so they all have dooope accents. Really adds to the story.

Acting - 10 Stars. Every single character in the film is top notch, A-list. Even the female character, Vera Farmiga, doesn't let down either. She plays a pretty vital role towards the end.

Lead Female Character - 8 Stars. Let's be honest, the make-up crew worked round the clock to make this girl look even presentable, let alone a good looking woman on set. However, she's a solid actor who played her part, despite the outward appearance.

General Satisfaction - 9 Stars. Every area of the film goes above and beyond. Mark Wahlberg's part in the role, while somewhat small, is stellar. In fact, he won an Oscar for best supporting Actor. The twist at the end is unforeseen, but still awesome. The picture above gives a hint :) A must see film.

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